Approaches to Find a Job

Finding a job will always be a relevant topic to write about. Whether you are a high-school student, a college student, a graduate or an ordinary person looking for changes you’ll try to apply for a good job. Yet, do you know how to get the job you want? If you want to stand out from the crowd in the eyes of HR-manager, read this 3 stories based on true events.

Inspirational Stories about Real People Searching for a Job

Don’t Write Your Resume, Make a Video

Matilda could never imagine working as a successful tour guide. She didn’t even consider such an opportunity until the employers themselves offered her a job.
The range of future professions was so wide that she just couldn’t pick up something. That’s why Matilda shot a video, where she introduced her best skills and qualities. In 1 week, her video-resume got 100 actual job offers.

Come up with the Delivery Ideas

Markus knew he wanted to become a marketing director for a delivery company. To make sure HR-manager will notice him, Markus decided to bring his resume as a courier of that company.
The idea was to demonstrate his creative approach and marketing potential in practice. The trick worked out with brilliance. When the woman in the company took him for a pleasant professional courier, Markus left her a chocolate bar with the message and his phone number.

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Use a “Six Degrees of Separation” Approach

The theory of “six degrees of separation” reads that we have to make less than 6 steps to contact other people, and Dilan knew that. When looking for a job he printed 1000 flyers and gave them to different people (potential employers) within a day.

What was special about the leaflets? The message read: “I spent over $100 to print the leaflets. Please, don’t move it to trash if you don’t need it, rather give it to the man who has a good job for me. A better one than sharing these leaflets. I’m inventive, otherwise, you wouldn’t read it right now. Thanks!”

Guess what, in the evening he got a phone call from a man with an offer to create the texts for flyers.

All three stories are true. These people achieved their goal using an outstanding method. Now, it’s your turn!

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